With snow piled high and nights starting early and ending late, winter is in full swing in Alaska. The cold can be unforgiving and often drives us inside. Luckily, this is not a problem that is new this year or last.
moreIt’s January in Alaska and over the past few winters that have meant freezing rain and icy roads, but not this winter.
moreYear round, Alaska’s winters inspire curiosity from visitors. It’s frequent that I’m asked how often it snows, or how much snow I’ve seen at once. Alaska is a winter paradise for winter activities, like skiing, snowshoeing and dog mushing.
moreLooking for Smokey
We have a lot of bears up here. In fact, Alaska contains about 70% of all bears in North America. Naturally, people who visit our great state want to see one so they can go home and tell their friends, “Hey, we went to Alaska and saw a bear!” After all, if you go to Arizona, you’d expect to see cactus, right? Well…not so fast.
Waterfalls, glaciers and mountains – oh, my. When you fly into the Anchorage airport, the first thing you’ll notice as you walk out the arrivals gate is a huge wall of windows. What’s outside those windows? Mountains. We have a lot of mountains, and many are accessible right here in town for easy strolls or […]